
Emmanuel Winkler

I am a licensed instructor for systemic coaching and coach clients since 2005. Before, I worked with law firms, SMEs, and NGOs to provide

economic and legal advice, strategy development and supported restructuring processes. Clients appreciate my analytical creativity to capture complex situations while focussing on solutions and keeping a sense of humour.

I have received extensive training of renowned coaches in the area of coaching, training and conflict mediation. Some of the tools I have acquired include Integrated Solution-Oriented Psychology, Autonomy training, psychography, systemic-solution-oriented single & partner coaching and supervision.




Ingrid Heinrich

I am a communication expert and project manager and focus on business development at Conmediare. As a coaching and mediation trainee I support Emmanuel in his classes.

I worked in the communication department of Global Footprint Network, an environmental NGO. There, I have organised events, developed marketing and fundraising brochures and was responsible for the on-boarding of new staff. Previously, I worked as Marketing Officer in the tourism industry in Italy to set up a tourism information and train seasonal staff. Currently, I work as a project manager for a Swiss media firm providing communication services to UN bodies, international organisations and private businesses. I speak English, French, German and Italian and studied International Relations in Germany, Italy, and Serbia.




What We Do

Workshop & Training Development

Designing a workshop, webinar and conference is simple…but not easy. You probably have done it many times. We understand that you are the subject matter expert. So are we – in the field of Coaching, Facilitation as well as IT Learning and Documenting tools setting new trends. We will combine and advance traditional and latest scientifically proven tools on these fields. We think outside of the box and around the corner to guarantee a clearly defined and measurable goal.

During the process we include in a playful way our experience while coaching you and your team. Our main focus during the procedure is to ensure an active participation and learning process.

  • The procedure:  We clarify with you the design of your workshop and training session by carefully listening to get clarity around goal setting, defining audience, stakeholders and infrastructure, agenda setting & design, preparation of a follow-up plan. Then we develop highly impactful learning experiences based on neuroscience, pedagogical principles and people development priorities. We assist with the the design of the local and culture-sensitive adaptations of the workshop. We identify, design and build the agreed learning curriculum, applying the right mix and timing of blended learning assets and delivery channels, such as classroom, online, and video based eLearning.  We co-develop simple and suitable team activities to enrich the workshop structure which guarantee an active participation and buy in. We support the running of the workshop while developing photo/video material. We work with your content developer to select/cut the photos/video material to the desired format. We assist with report preparation, respect set guidelines of participants and/or donors. We will set new reporting trends by implementing latest IT and transmedia tools as we understand that ‘a picture paints a thousand words’.
  • Your benefits: We clarify the ‘How to’ even in an already started process. We guarantee team and personal development by active participation and professional feedback. We document your event with photos/animation or text motion videos for (donor) reporting.
  • Methodology: European and American Communication and Coaching Theories, including Ruth Cohn’s Topic-Focussed Interaction (TZI), Schulz von Thun Communication Analysis, Otto Scharmer Theory U, Eric Berne Transactional Analysis, Königwieser-Exner Group Intervention Strategies, and other team development tools.

Donor Reporting Service

We set new standards along with the digital revolution and develop short video clips of your project to update your donor and post on your donor’s website. Ask us for details.


Coaching is a one-on-one session where we clarify your goal and find the best way to achieve it.

Systemic coaching focuses on living systems such as communication and personality patterns in your environment. Most often, it is an unconscious pattern creating havoc. Together we can identify patterns, to find solutions or ways to soften them. During the coaching process we will actively implement the findings in your daily life. According to our experience it is sufficient if only one representative of a human system acts differently that the complement system can change.

How it works:

  • Process: Coach and client come together each of us with our system establishing a professional coaching environment which is created through trust, transparency, vigilance, and appreciation. We seek to be in tune on a personal, content and structural level. Our objective is to provide you with analysis where you can see yourself more clearly by reflecting your behaviour in a safe environment. We help to identify gaps between where you are and where you need/want to be. To do this we apply different coaching methodologies in a humorous but solid way.

To explain the method of systemic coaching, the metaphor of an artist who is standing in front of his empty canvas is used. We will be midwifes for your ideas. We see us as artists with a strong academic background and methodological base. We will be together in front of your empty painting. Together we will create the painting of your solution. We will not tell you what to paint instead we will explain you the structure of the canvas, colours as well as your painting abilities but you have to develop your own painting.

  • Realisation: We coach clients usually in person or by Skype up to 90 minutes per session. It usually takes about five sessions to solve a typical problem. We set a contract for 5-10 session and we only bill the sessions which have taken place.
  • Methodology: We use tools from Systemic Coaching, organisational and personality development, Conflict Management, Otto Scharmer Theory U, Selvini Palazzoli Milan Model Conflict Prevention, Steve de Shazer Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Eric Berne Transactional Analysis, personality analysis tools, e.g. communication methods of Schulz von Thun, Riemann-Thomann Model, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
  • Areas of Expertise: Colors of Personality, Conflict Management, Communication, Team Building, Career Development, Family Constellation, and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
  • Check In: We track your performance with quantitative data in formal progress reviews.

Our business is to ask questions. Our objective is that you learn to observe and question yourself so that the next time you can catch yourself in the act and change your actions in the moment.


Humans show an astonishingly high willingness to invest in war. However, we assume that peace has to be free of charge, or that the opponent’s side has to pay for it exclusively … not clinging, but letting go is an art that life teaches us, often, despite our persistent refusal. Ed Watzke

We will give you advice on your specific conflict and what steps to take. Depending on the stage and conflict dynamics we will identify suitable interventions which can involve coaching, mediation, or litigious consultation. We offer mediation or systemic coaching to find solutions before things ‘get really ugly’. Thus we can assist you even in deep-rooted conflicts with our background and methodology which we learned from renowned coaching and mediation conflict experts such as Friedrich Glasl.

Mediation is a voluntary process whereby a third party assists two or more parties, with their consent, to prevent, manage or resolve a conflict by helping them to develop mutually acceptable agreements.

  • The process: The conflicting parties, as experts of their own conflict, want to be heard and are willing to settle the conflict in a courageous way. The mediator has the responsibility to guide through the process and rebuild acceptance. Other than in litigation,  the conflict parties in a mediation process always remain experts in their conflict and find their appropriate solution. This process allows each side to speak in a peaceful and open way via the mediator with the other party. This process can help to develop a new understanding of the underlying issues and find win-win solutions and mutually acceptable outcomes.
  • Your benefits: Mediation can be a cost-effective alternative to a court-based litigation. Even a partial settlement can lessen later litigation fees. A mediation can also help to maintain relationships. If you will have to continuously interact with your conflict partner a mediation is highly recommend. Over the last 15 years we developed a deep understanding of conflicts and how to adapt our interventions. Once we start a mediation it usually ends with an acceptable agreement. A classic mediation lasts 90 – 120 minutes per session. Most of the conflicts can be settled in one session.
  • Methodology: 9-step Model of Friedrich Glasl, Harvard Program on Negotiation, Marshall Rosenberg Non-violent Communication, Thomann Clarification Support Methodology, Power-Control and Mediation Triangle as well as Stages of Recognition und Conflict-Perspective-Analysis from Inmedio.